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Translating your documents couldn’t be easier. Simply select your document, choose your language, and within seconds your document will be translated.
  • Translates multiple file formats
  • Over 75 Languages
  • Completely Free
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Translate Any Language PDFs to Portuguese

If you looked at a map designating languages around the world, you'd notice the majority of the world's Portuguese speakers are located in South America and South Central Africa. Yet at the same time, Portuguese is also spoken in many parts of Europe. Since these countries are so spread apart geographically, it's inevitable their residents will be interacting with those who speak other languages.

Whether that interaction is for business, educational, or personal reasons, translation is almost always a necessity. So it's important to know that there is a quick and easy way to translate any language PDF's to Portuguese using your Windows or Mac computer. What is that method? The Babylon 9 translation software.

Translate any language PDF's with ease

When the creators of Babylon started working on their software back in the late 1990s, one of their goals was to make sure they had a product that customers could use with ease. In those days computer programs were far too complicated, offering excessive options and tools most users didn't need. Babylon developers set out to be different.

Today the ninth version of their software continues their original philosophy by providing you with a clean and simple interface, the most important features you need from a translation tool, excellent speed, and reliability. Translating from multiple languages in the Portuguese has never been so easy.

Translate any language PDF's quickly

Business users really appreciate the speed built into Babylon 9. The software developers accomplish their impressive speed by doing two things. First, they created Babylon to run in the background just like a Windows process normally does. This engineering allows Babylon to always be active without hoarding computer resources it doesn't need. While it's waiting for you to invoke it, the software sits quietly and allows its resources to be used by other programs.

The second thing developers did was to create the software to take advantage of high-speed Internet connections. Whenever your computer is connected to the Internet, so is Babylon. That gives you instant access to more than 2,000 dictionary titles as well as Wikipedia in 25 different languages. As soon as you need Babylon's services it's ready to go.

Translate any language PDF's with more than 75 choices

It's been said that the value of a translation tool is no greater than the number of languages it supports. Babylon Ltd. couldn't agree more. That's why they've included support for more than 75 different languages including:
  • French, Spanish, Italian
  • Chinese, Japanese, Korean
  • Albanian, Romanian, Croatian
  • many, many more
The best thing about having access to so many languages is the fact that you get to pick and choose from among them. If you want every language Babylon supports you can add them to your default installation. If you only need a small handful of languages that are most important to you, you can limit Babylon just to them as well.

The important thing to know about this software is that it's flexible according to your needs. It's not a "one-size-fits-all" tool limiting how you can use it. As a matter fact, other features like one-click translation, audio word pronunciations, and conversion of units, currencies, and time zones makes it one of the most flexible translation tools on the market.

Don't translate another PDF or Office document into Portuguese without checking out Babylon first. Once you use the software, you'll be surprised that you ever got along without it.

Translating PDF documents is an easy task with Babylon translator. Try the software Free download PDF Translate (Download link)


75 Languages
With this free software your documents can be translated to and from all popular languages.
Super fast - one click translate
Don't like waiting? Neither do we. With just one click your documents are instantly translated.
24/7 Support
Dedicated multi-lingual support staff, on hand to help whenever you need.
Full Webpage Translation
Not just documents... We also translate webpages and can assist with live translations.
Made by Industry Leaders
This free software is made by the leading company in translation technologies. You're in safe hands...


  Andrew Lellaby  

  Jean Pierre  

  Hans Klaus  

  Miguel Ramos  

Related pages:    PDF Translator   |    Translation PDF   |    Translate PDF   |    Babylon 9
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