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Translating your documents couldn’t be easier. Simply select your document, choose your language, and within seconds your document will be translated.
  • Translates multiple file formats
  • Over 75 Languages
  • Completely Free
  • Get started in seconds
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Translate English PDF to Portuguese

English may be the universal language of modern business, but it's not a language everyone in the world speaks. Just as an example, there are approximately 280 million people who speak Portuguese either as a first or second language. Translating an English PDF to Portuguese would come in handy if you had to deal with Portuguese speakers.

Creating such translations can be done the old-fashioned way using paper dictionaries, pen, and paper. But that's time consuming and tedious. Why not use modern computer technology to your advantage by getting a software translation tool like Babylon 9? The Babylon software has been around for nearly 15 years. There are already about 100 million users in business, education, government, and personal uses.

Translate English PDF's with one-click translation

One of the things people love most about Babylon 9 is its one-click translation option. This is the easiest way to translate single words without having to interrupt the flow of what you're doing. With the combination of a single keystroke and a click of the mouse one-click translation instantly provides you with dictionary lookup and translations in as many of the programs languages as you choose.

What's more, Babylon 9 supports more than 75 different languages. Not only can you translate that English PDF to Portuguese, you can also include translations into French, Italian, Albanian, Romanian, and so many more. No other software translation tool offers you the power of Babylon 9.

Translate English PDF's with conversion tools

If you were translating an English PDF to Portuguese you might also discover you need to convert currency or units of measurement. That's fine. Babylon handles that too.

As an example, say you were creating a sales report, in English, to reflect sales of your products in Brazil. Even though your original English document will be going to corporate headquarters, they may want to see sales figures in Portuguese. You can use Babylon 9 to convert from British sterling pounds, and then afterward translate the entire PDF document into Portuguese for your Brazilian peers.

Translate English PDF's with Office integration

Babylon software runs on both Windows and Mac operating systems. As an added bonus, it integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office documents and dictionaries. That means you can translate Office documents on-the-fly, just as easily as you do PDF's. That's a big help if you use Office a lot.

If you don't use Office, you still may have access to full integration with Babylon. You'll have to check your office suite to be sure. Yet even without full integration, the Babylon tools still work independently with programs like Open Office, Libra Office, Microsoft Works, and Exchange.

For your online work there are Babylon functions to help translate full websites and e-mails. Virtually any program on your computer where you can see text displayed is open for Babylon translation.

Translating your English PDF's to Portuguese is a task best handled by your computer. But don't waste your time with online sites like Google translate and others. Use Babylon, the most trusted name in translation software since 1998.

Translating PDF documents is an easy task with Babylon translator. Try the software Free download PDF Translate (Download link)


75 Languages
With this free software your documents can be translated to and from all popular languages.
Super fast - one click translate
Don't like waiting? Neither do we. With just one click your documents are instantly translated.
24/7 Support
Dedicated multi-lingual support staff, on hand to help whenever you need.
Full Webpage Translation
Not just documents... We also translate webpages and can assist with live translations.
Made by Industry Leaders
This free software is made by the leading company in translation technologies. You're in safe hands...


  Andrew Lellaby  

  Jean Pierre  

  Hans Klaus  

  Miguel Ramos  

Related pages:    PDF Translator   |    Translation PDF   |    Translate PDF   |    Babylon 9
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